Top 20 Lessons We Can Learn From Steve Jobs — Founder of Apple

Aman Bhatia
8 min readJun 19, 2023


Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., was a visionary, innovator, and one of the most influential figures in the tech industry.

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Born on February 24, 1955, Jobs had an innate passion for technology from an early age. Together with Steve Wozniak, he co-founded Apple in 1976, laying the foundation for a company that would revolutionize personal computing, smartphones, and other consumer electronics.

Jobs possessed an unparalleled ability to anticipate and shape consumer needs, consistently pushing the boundaries of innovation. He was a perfectionist, known for his meticulous attention to detail and his insistence on delivering products that seamlessly blended functionality, design, and user experience. Under his leadership, Apple introduced groundbreaking products like the Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, transforming entire industries in the process.

Beyond his technical prowess, Jobs was a captivating presenter and a master storyteller. His keynote presentations became legendary, captivating audiences with his charisma, passion, and ability to communicate the value of Apple’s products. He had an uncanny ability to distill complex concepts into simple, compelling narratives that resonated with people on an emotional level.

Despite experiencing setbacks throughout his career, including being ousted from Apple in 1985, Jobs demonstrated resilience and an unwavering belief in his vision. He founded NeXT Computer and Pixar Animation Studios, both of which achieved remarkable success. His eventual return to Apple in 1997 marked the beginning of a transformative era, as he steered the company towards unparalleled heights of success.

Steve Jobs left an indelible mark on the world, not only through his technological innovations but also through his approach to life. He inspired others to think differently, embrace failure, and relentlessly pursue their passions. His legacy continues to shape the tech industry, and his influence will be felt for generations to come. Steve Jobs remains an enduring icon whose contributions have forever changed the way we live, work, and interact with technology.

Top 20 Lessons We Can Learn From Steve Jobs

1) Embrace Failure

Steve Jobs famously said, “Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations.” Jobs understood that failure is an integral part of the creative process. He bounced back from setbacks, such as the failure of the Lisa computer, and went on to create revolutionary products like the Macintosh and iPhone.

When the iPhone 4 was released with antenna issues causing dropped calls, instead of denying the problem, Jobs held a press conference and admitted the mistake. Apple offered free cases to all iPhone 4 users, showcasing their commitment to customer satisfaction.

2) Focus on User Experience

Jobs prioritized user experience above all else. He believed that design and aesthetics should be seamlessly integrated into products, providing a delightful experience for customers.

The intuitive interface of the iPod revolutionized the way we interact with music. Jobs and his team created a user-friendly navigation wheel that made it easy to scroll through thousands of songs with a single finger, setting a new standard in portable music players.

3) Think Different

Jobs encouraged individuals to challenge the status quo and think beyond conventional boundaries. He believed that those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

With the launch of the iPhone, Jobs disrupted the mobile phone industry, transforming it into a multi-functional device that combines communication, entertainment, and productivity. This revolutionary product changed the way we interact with technology.

4) Simplicity is Key

Jobs emphasized simplicity and minimalism in design. He believed in stripping away unnecessary complexity to create elegant, user-friendly products.

The clean, sleek design of the MacBook Air redefined the concept of ultra-portable laptops. Its thin profile and lightweight construction made it a game-changer in the laptop market.

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5) Pay Attention to Detail

Jobs had a relentless focus on the tiniest details of his products, ensuring they met his high standards. He believed that even the smallest elements could make a significant difference in the user experience.

The power adapter for Apple’s laptops is meticulously designed with a folding prong, allowing for easy storage and portability. This attention to detail reflects Apple’s commitment to user convenience.

6) Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Jobs inspired others to maintain a hunger for learning and a willingness to take risks. He urged individuals to stay foolish enough to believe they can achieve the impossible.

In 2007, Jobs introduced the first iPhone to the world, revolutionizing the smartphone industry. Many critics doubted its success, but Jobs’s audacity and vision ultimately reshaped the entire mobile landscape.

7) Build a Strong Team

Jobs understood the importance of surrounding himself with talented individuals who shared his passion and vision. He believed that a great team could achieve extraordinary things.

Jobs hired Jony Ive, an acclaimed industrial designer, who played a pivotal role in the creation of iconic Apple products like the iMac, iPod, and iPhone. Their collaboration resulted in products that blended cutting-edge technology with elegant design.

8) Disrupt Existing Markets

Jobs believed in challenging established industries and reinventing the way things were done. He aimed to create products that would reshape entire markets.

The iTunes Store disrupted the music industry by offering a legal and convenient way to purchase and download music digitally. This paved the way for the decline of physical media and the rise of digital music consumption.

9) Never Settle

Jobs had an insatiable appetite for innovation and improvement. He believed that settling for mediocrity was a recipe for failure.

The iPad was a revolutionary device that reimagined the tablet market. Despite its success, Jobs continued pushing the boundaries, introducing regular updates with enhanced features and performance, ensuring Apple remained at the forefront of the industry.

10) Turn Constraints into Opportunities

Jobs saw constraints as opportunities for innovation. He believed that limitations could inspire creative solutions.

When the iPhone was released without a physical keyboard, critics questioned its usability. However, Jobs recognized the potential of touch-based input and introduced a virtual keyboard that revolutionized mobile typing.

11) Customer Obsession

Jobs was committed to delivering exceptional customer experiences. He understood that success lies in understanding and exceeding customer expectations.

Apple’s customer service is renowned for its dedication to customer satisfaction. Jobs ensured that support was easily accessible, and Apple Stores provided a unique shopping experience, fostering a deep connection between the brand and its customers.

12) Create a Compelling Story

Jobs was a master storyteller who knew the power of narratives in captivating audiences and building brand loyalty.

During the iconic keynote presentations, Jobs mesmerized audiences with his storytelling prowess. His captivating narratives about Apple’s products created a sense of excitement and anticipation among customers.

13) Be Passionate

Jobs believed that passion was the driving force behind great achievements. He urged others to follow their passions and never settle for less.

Jobs’s passion for technology was evident in every product launch. His enthusiasm and unwavering belief in Apple’s products inspired both employees and customers alike.

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14) Iterate and Evolve

Jobs emphasized the importance of constant iteration and evolution. He believed that great products and companies must adapt and improve over time.

Apple’s operating system, iOS, has undergone numerous iterations since its inception. Each update introduces new features and improvements, demonstrating Apple’s commitment to continuous innovation.

15) Value the Intersection of Art and Technology

Jobs saw the synergy between art and technology and believed that the combination could create extraordinary products that resonated with people on an emotional level.

The Retina display, first introduced on the iPhone 4, revolutionized the visual experience on mobile devices. By combining high pixel density with advanced color accuracy, Apple created a display that showcased the beauty of both art and technology.

16) Stay Committed to Vision

Jobs advised others to stay true to their vision, even in the face of criticism or adversity.

When developing the Macintosh, Jobs faced internal resistance from some team members who wanted to focus solely on profitability. However, he remained committed to his vision of creating a computer for the masses, and the Macintosh became a groundbreaking success.

17) Embrace a Growth Mindset

Jobs believed that the willingness to learn and adapt was crucial for personal and professional growth.

After being ousted from Apple in 1985, Jobs founded NeXT Computer and Pixar Animation Studios. During this time, he gained valuable experiences that shaped his perspective and ultimately prepared him for his triumphant return to Apple in 1997.

18) Value Quality over Quantity

Jobs emphasized the importance of quality over sheer quantity. He believed that producing exceptional products was far more impactful than flooding the market with mediocre ones.

Apple’s product release cycle is meticulously planned, with each new product launch garnering significant attention. This strategy enables Apple to maintain a reputation for delivering high-quality products that consistently exceed expectations.

19) Embrace Simplicity in Communication

Jobs was a master communicator who believed in conveying ideas and messages concisely and clearly.

Jobs’s product presentations were legendary for their simplicity and impact. He would distill complex concepts into concise statements, captivating the audience and ensuring that key messages resonated.

20) Leave a Legacy

Jobs’s ultimate lesson was to leave a lasting impact on the world by creating something that outlives oneself.

Jobs’s legacy is undeniable. His vision and leadership transformed Apple into one of the most valuable and influential companies in the world, forever changing the way we use technology and communicate. His impact will continue to shape the tech industry for generations to come.

After exploring these top 20 inspiring and underrated lessons from Steve Jobs, there’s no better way to deepen your understanding of his remarkable life than by delving into “Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography” by Walter Isaacson. This captivating book uncovers the genius, passion, and relentless pursuit of excellence that propelled Jobs to revolutionize the tech industry. From his groundbreaking innovations to his unyielding vision, this biography offers a front-row seat to the incredible journey of a true icon. Gain invaluable insights, be inspired by his audacity to think differently, and discover the keys to his unparalleled success. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a tech aficionado, or simply seeking a captivating read, this biography is a must-have in your collection. So, get ready to be captivated and motivated as you dive into the fascinating world of Steve Jobs. Grab your copy of “Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography” and unlock the secrets behind his extraordinary legacy today.

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Aman Bhatia

2X Top Writer on Medium. Books, Life Lessons, Money, Self Improvement. Follow for inspiration and growth. Mail: